Along the length of EastLink there are 13 tolling gantries. Each tolling gantry has equipment that will detect your vehicle as it passes by:
To determine the overall trip your vehicle has made on EastLink, information from these sensors is combined together, and matched with the same information from the other tolling gantries your vehicle has passed.
A combination of your tag, licence plate number and vehicle dimensions may be used to identify your vehicle's tolling class.
How an EastLink toll is calculated and charged
The overall trip details and your vehicle's tolling class are used to calculate the toll for your EastLink trip.
The toll for your trip is the sum of the tolls that apply to each of the tolling gantries that were passed during the trip.
The toll for your trip is capped at the toll cap. Once the toll for your trip has reached the toll cap, continuing your trip along EastLink in the same direction and passing additional tolling gantries won't increase the toll further.
The tag data and/or licence plate details are used to identify your tolling account, so that the toll for your trip can be charged to the right place.
If an account is not identified:
How to pay EastLink tolls
To pay EastLink tolls, you will need:
If you don't have any of these at the time of your trip, you have up to three days to open your new account with EastLink or buy your EastLink trip pass. The trip will then be charged to the new account or trip pass.
What happens if your account is suspended
If your account is suspended at the time of travel, it can't be used to pay the toll for that trip. In this situation, we recommend you buy an EastLink trip pass for each trip on EastLink until your account is reactivated. You should reactivate your account as soon as possible, by making a payment to the account that is sufficient to rectify the account balance.
What happens if you don't pay an EastLink toll
If a toll remains unpaid more than three days after your trip, we will send a toll invoice by email, SMS or post to the registered owner of the vehicle. A toll invoice includes fees in addition to the toll. The various options to settle the toll invoice are explained clearly on the toll invoice. The toll invoice needs to be settled by the Due Date displayed on the toll invoice.
If the toll invoice is not settled by its Due Date, we will send an overdue notice by email, SMS or post, which is the final opportunity to make payment. The overdue notice needs to be settled by the Due Date displayed on the overdue notice.
What happens if you don't settle an EastLink overdue notice
If an overdue notice is not settled by its Due Date, an infringement notice may be issued by Victoria Police. The cost of an infringement notice would be $198. You must follow the instructions printed on an infringement notice. Never ignore an infringement notice. For more information about infringement notices visit the Fines Victoria website.